#93...Dorothy's blue water adventure on sailing ketch
FLICKA February 2007 another BID! (Editor's note:
*BID means before I die!)
Before this trip begins, some preliminary background:
FLICKA is a 1976 Allied Seawind Mark II, 32'
solidly built fiberglass ketch with two masts где находится Ладожское озеро на карте. The forward sails are for
power, and the stern mizzen-mast is shorter; this sail is for
maneuverability. She has a white hull with sea green canvas, teakwood
cabin interior, Westerbeek diesel engine, with lines rigged to be
managed from the cockpit, highly set steering seat (which is good for
short people like me), and a hard dinghy. Equipped with SSB
(single-sideband) long range radio, 2 navigational computers, watermaker
for drinking water, freezer and refrigeration, VHF marine radio,
wind-generator for power, self-steering monitor wind vane (nick-named
Mona) and numerous technical bells and whistles for safety and
comfort--too numerous to list.
We aboard are equipped with all-weather clothes, life
jackets and safety harnesses. The only time we are not harnessed to the
boat is when we are inside the cabin--no matter what the sailing
conditions are at the moment.
Captain Tricia Birdsell is the epitome of a detail
person, discussing possibilities of course, wind direction, conditions
etc. and then calculating and recalculating and checking her work with
extreme care. Tricia is somewhat my junior who is a
nutritionist by original profession. While working in the South Pacific
(Papua New Guinea) she began sailing, which changed her career
direction. She since has been living through sailing--living aboard,
teaching sailing, writing about sailing and single-handing for 28 years
on numerous boats in the South Pacific, Bahamas, Mexico and the Pacific
Northwest куда съездить отдохнуть с детьми.
I met Tricia ten years ago while attending her week
long live-aboard Sailing-for-Women program out of Nanaimo, British
Columbia, Canada, with my long-time chum Lorraine Pohl-Jones from our Whonnock
years. At that time I believed the sailing course would be a one-off
adventure. About a year later Jim sold our power-boat and decided it was
my turn--so we set about buying a sailboat to replace her. We purchased
a Lancer 30 foot sloop. We sailed her to Nanaimo one weekend ostensibly
to show her to Tricia and there she now lives, being
our summer and second home.
Over the years our paths have connected with Tricia both in Nanaimo and in Florida. Changes have occurred in
Tricia's life which now brings her to early retirement and sailing the
east coast of the US in summer out of Connecticut, and south to the
Bahamas in the winter. I am about to join her at Miami to cross the Gulf
Stream--blue water--to the Bahamas Islands.
This is to be a sailing adventure. Motoring is a last
resort. I am her first friend to accept her invitation to crew aboard
FLICKA--Tricia's most recent yacht-home--cruising to the Bahamas. Being
available at the right time and place has given me this opportunity to
share in the myriad of processes of the daily life and work aboard an
off-shore cruising vessel. In exchange for a skill-building and thrill
experience, it is my responsibility to cover boat and consumable
expenses for the two of us. This is not a passenger cruise--I will do
work that I have skills to perform. I want to participate in everything
that I can be useful doing while aboard, including watches at the helm,
cleaning, maintenance, cooking etc. In return I hope to get a taste of
the sailing life I have read about with a passion for most of my adult
years....something I never thought I would have a chance to do. But
serendipitous occurrences happen, and this came into our lives. Jim took
a pass, preferring to remain a coastal and land cruiser. Perhaps
cruising with 2 women may have been too much to face.
I am sharing this off-shore cruise with an instructor
whose sailing knowledge and risk-aversion level give me confidence. I
hope to come away a wee bit more competent and confident 'yachty'. With
luck there will simultaneously be some wonderful water moments--sun,
wind, warm salt water swimming, and snorkeling and visits to remote
islands...and perhaps a tummy-turning thrill or two.
Tavernier, Florida Keys, Feb. 1, 2007
The alarm rings at 4 am and Jim and I hurriedly pack
the contents of our RV's fridge/freezer into a cooler bag, grab our
travel bags, lock the motor home and head out of Tavernier in the
Florida Keys in our rental PT Cruiser for the 70 mile drive to the Miami
airport. At 6 am I drop Jim off for his flight to Vancouver. Heading out
into the nightmare that is the ever-present road construction around
Miami airport, I miss my un-marked turnoff in the early morning
darkness. Thankfully I'm familiar with navigating this city and my mind
pulls up its own GPS. Driving through downtown I reach Miami Beach
before morning rush hour. My rendezvous with Tricia is at a supermarket
across the street from the Collins canal. Amazingly, I find the spot and
wait for dawn.
Before long a dinghy or two goes by on the canal. I
phone Tricia on her cell and she arrives in her dinghy to fetch me and my
gear. Ted, her buddy-boat partner on RESTLESS arrives too. (A
week previously, Jim and I spent a weekend with them on their boats
FLICKA and RESTLESS near Stuart, Florida).
As expected, there are a few errands to be attended to
in the couple of hours left before I need to return the rental car.
These done Tricia and I leave to return the car, but not before having a
minor altercation with a 'Beemer' convertible. !@#^@! This doesn't bode
well and delays us on an agenda-filled day.
There are so many things to do before departure: top
up the fuel and water tanks, engine check and fuel filter change, hoist
the dinghy onto the bow, lash down everything on the decks and stow the
cabin securely, cook a big pot of supper for two days, course plotting,
check and re-check and then up-anchor and move FLICKA closer to
the channel. Anchored here are a dozen yachts preparing for departure
tomorrow. There simply isn't time for me to get an orientation to the
boat...and a ketch is quite different from our sloop.
A very particular weather pattern provides the right
kind and amount of wind to cross the ocean to the Bahamas. FLICKA is not
a fast boat so careful course planning and destination are vitally
important if we are to actually use the winds and SAIL. Our course is
for the Berry Islands. The weather window is predicted to be right for
FLICKA tomorrow and the next possible weather-window might be weeks
I am exhausted early as I had little sleep last night
and my body is tired from dealing with boat motion. I crash soon after
cooking dinner as there is little more I can do to help Tricia who is up
past midnight with details.
I fall asleep on deck watching a laser light show
above the high-rises and art deco buildings of Miami Beach. The Beach is
in SuperBowl Football-mode and is a bit frantic.
I'm not sorry to leave as Miami is a city too fast for
my mood--especially since Jim and I have just had a good land-cruise in
our RV across the southern US.
Miami Beach & The Gulf Stream, Feb 2, 2007
We are awake before dawn doing last minute prep and
breakfast. We hear from RESTLESS on the single-sideband radio.
Ted left on a different route yesterday through more open ocean miles
than we will attempt. He has been having a wild ride in 30-35 winds.
Tricia puts reefs in the main and mizzen sails before we leave. These
can be shaken out if the winds prove light. The engine is warmed up, the
anchors lifted and stored and we turn to go under a bridge and down the
long channel to open ocean. First serious problem for me...I'm at the
helm and have to get into a physically contorted position to steer and
actually see over the dodger, boom etc. in order to see where we are
going. Tricia is busy so I'll have to work this out with her later. This
will surely strengthen my legs from all the climbing up and down. My
being so @#!$ short is going to present many more challenges on this
But first we get to wave at the naval personnel on the
US naval ship ENTERPRISE as she heads into the harbor. A dolphin
leaps and flips his fin as if to wave bye-bye.
We are committed now! I am both calm and excited.
Soon Tricia hoists sails. We are on a beam reach (wind
on our side). The engine is turned off, Mona (the self-steering) is
connected and we are sliding nicely through the waves in 18kt SSW winds.
Several miles out to sea, we look back to see the skyline of Miami in
the early morning mist. It is not long before land disappears and we are
alone with only sunshine, wind and deep indigo blue water and waves all
Occasionally fish jump, and tiny flying fish land on
deck. From time to time we see the gorgeous but dangerous 'man-of-war'
jellyfish float by. These guys look like clear crystal irregular shaped
blobs on the water. All along their edge is a stunning and somewhat
fluorescent violet blue rim. They shimmer on the water...but their long
clear tendrils are lethal.
We soon discover an errant line tied on the mizzen
mast which interferes with the sail. Some changes are arranged by
Tricia...but this will have to be attended to when we arrive in the
islands. We settle into routines as we have 26 or more hours of sailing
to cross the Gulf Stream. It is wonderful out here with warm winds and
nice big waves to fly through. Occasionally we see other boats and ships
in the distance.
I'm enjoying this immensely...as is my tummy. I was
worried about seasickness but have no sign of it. Evening comes and we
are blessed with a clear star-lit night. We chat, take turns on watch
and sleeping, cook and eat and the overnight sail passes by too quickly
as we have had steady winds of 18-20 all the way.
Great Harbour, Bahamas, Feb 3-5, 2007
We reach our way-point, turn southward and sail along
the Great Bahamas Bank to our destination of Bullocks Harbour, Great
Harbour Cay. It is about 9am when we approach the harbour where we need
to check-in with Bahamas Customs and Immigration. We turn on the motor
in preparation for navigating the entrance channel and it sounds !wrong!
It is not pumping cooling water! Quickly Tricia turns it off.
We move out of the channel, drop anchor and take down
the sails. Perhaps there is something plugging the water intake? The
locker surrounding the engine is opened, emptied, and Tricia crawls in
and begins to remove and service the pump. Reassembled and tested, the
motor purrs! One and a half hours have passed.
Then the cockpit is cleaned up and re stowed, and
FLICKA proceeds into harbour and a slip to await officials with her
quarantine flag flying. It's noon. We are dog-tired and dying for a cool
shower and a solid nap so I decide we are over-nighting at the dock.
(Tricia doesn't much care for being docked but is too tired to argue.)
Customs arrives quickly and that done the dock master gives us
permission to walk the docks while we wait for Immigration to arrive
from the airport.
The docks here are solid (i.e. not floating up &
down with the tide) and it takes some interesting rearrangement of lines
so that I can actually get up onto shore over the bowsprit. It is low
tide and the dock is about 4 feet above FLICKA's deck! Tricia
manages this better than I -- she is 7" taller. Once on the dock I phone
Jim in Vancouver and email some friends who are aware of our crossing. I
want to confirm that we made it across safely. We know Jim will call the
Bahamas AirSea Rescue soon if he doesn't hear from us.
Next we score some ice cream and watch the local
fishermen prepare conch for the local specialty of conch salad--kind of
a Ceviche. I've seen a lot of conch while scuba diving but here we see
one creature come right out of it's shell and look around. Now there is
no question of me eating conch...impossible.
Immigration arrives and checks us into the country
legally and makes a big dent in the wallet. We head back to our bunks
for a few hours solid sleep. After waking and eating we decide that
Tricia has to go up the mizzen mast to clear the errant line. She rigs
the seat, line and safety line and together we get her up the mast, her
pulling herself up the line and me using the winch below. We sure are
glad this didn't have to happen at sea.
Next morning we are refreshed after a good night
sleep, and are up and out of the harbour early as today we have a long
route ahead of us with winds that aren't quite right. We will sail
almost directly into the wind northward to round Great Harbour Cay and
Stirrup Cay before we turn south along the same island. We make it north
of the island and are tacking to try to get the right angle of approach
to our course. The seas are building as are the winds.
After three hours, Tricia decides reluctantly to turn
back as the harbour we are aiming for has a narrow and difficult
entrance...and we are not going to make it in daylight. The seas are
ugly too. We have had a grand day-sail in spite of not achieving our
destination. I think Tricia may have continued on if she were on her own.
(Editor's note: No she wouldn't have!) She may now be actually assessing
my sailing competence. If we get into any difficulty or the seas are too
wild, I don't know if I will be a strong crew. I have only come to
sailing in the last few years in BC's Gulf Islands--and there is no
comparison. FLICKA is still a bit of a conundrum to me. It might
take this whole adventure for me to become familiar with her.
We sail back to Great Harbour and anchor in a
protected spot nearby. Soon we are in the water for our first Bahamas
swim/snorkel in 80 degree water! Tricia 'whoooops' her delight at being
in the water. Me too, I love warm, salt waters. We remain here and have
a rock 'n rolling night in 25-35 winds. Trish has a very thorough
approach to anchoring--with 2 anchors out and a mushroom anchor-kellet
too. I am glad of it and watch it as an art form through this trip.
Great Harbour to Nassau, Feb 6-7, 2007
We spend the day on boat chores and preparation for
our second attempt around the island overnight tonight February 6. In
late afternoon the winds subside somewhat, we up-anchor and set sail
again. We have a brisk ride as the winds and seas seem to be at cross
purposes. We attempt this route slightly differently and round the
We are by-passing the anchorage of our destination of
Feb. 3 as the narrow entrance is not easily achieved in daylight and
cannot possibly be attempted safely in darkness. Instead we will sail
overnight and plan to arrive at Nassau harbour by mid-day tomorrow.
There is another weather system approaching the Bahamas and Nassau will
afford good protection for the few days of rough weather.
As we sail northward around Great Stirrup Cay, I begin
to realize that I have a lesson to learn. That is, do not eat something
unfamiliar before such a journey. I have made Tricia's favorite curry
recipe last night. It is excellent, but I have the worst indigestion and
As we round the island FLICKA is bucking the
waves which are coming over the decks. We are sailing close-hauled and
it is a struggle to keep FLICKA just on the wind. She is a
marvelous little ship. With sails properly trimmed, she sails along
beautifully on her own, with only a touch or two of the helm. But on
this particular course and winds, she is not happy at all and bounces
around. Going below for anything is a real feat of strength and balance.
At one point, Tricia asks me to go below to retrieve something (my memory
fails me here). I barely accomplish this, and am hooked on in the
cockpit again...not a happy traveler. I'm not sick, but I know I will be
subsisting on ginger cookies to Nassau.
The winds turn darn cold and we are bundled up. At
this point we should be alternating watches with two hours below to
sleep. Trish assesses that it won't work for me--not hard to figure out
when I say there's no safe way for me to be below! I wedge myself along
the companionway seat--beam to beam, locking both my harness tethers to
hold me securely in place and try a little meditating to calm the
heartburn. I fall into a dead sleep for an hour or so. Tricia becomes so cold while
I sleep, she gingerly manages to climb over my prostrate body and goes
below to warm up. I am so dead to the world I would not have known if
she had used me for a step. When I awaken, I look around and see no
Trish. The portable GPS tether is strung over me and I see her asleep in
the cabin with kitchen timer clipped to her shirt. I sit up feeling much
better, and check the horizon for other traffic. A few minutes later T's
timer rings, she awakens and sees I've recovered. It's time for her to
have a longer sleep and I take the timer/alarm and clip it to my hood to
wake me for the 20 minute check.... just in case I nod off. I do on and
off for a few minutes but find that my body adjusts to the rhythm and I
wake up in 18/19 minutes. We make it through the night with the only
disaster being two pairs of broken glasses as we both need them to read
the GPS.
As we are moving along this route to Nassau, we do
have a lot of other ships for company. Fortunately, FLICKA has an
AIS (Automatic Identification System) aboard (which tells the name and
closest point of approach of each vessel in range.) On several occasions
Tricia radios these vessels to ask them to change their course to avoid
running us over. In two cases they respond that they have seen us and
altered course already and ask if we are okay... nice chats in both
cases. As we get closer to our destination a ship comes within a quarter
of a mile and is barreling down on our stern on our course. It takes
several attempts to get a radio response. Finally the operator answers
and says "oh yes, I see you now and am altering course". Phew, so much
for sailing in a slow boat (we're flying at 7 knots) on the open seas.
My knowledge doesn't help me here--how would we outrun such a fast
moving vessel?
We approach New Providence Island with the buildings
of Nassau for visual navigation. Radioing the Port Authority, Tricia
seeks permission for FLICKA to enter the harbour. It is noon when
anchors are set. It is time for a good nap. Later in the afternoon we
are tidying and doing boat inspection. Trish discovers a clevis pin that
has worked it's way loose. Had it broken away in those winds,
yikes...not to be considered. In the evening we decide to have a simple
dinner in the cockpit, taking in the gorgeous skyline of Nassau and in
particular the view of the Atlantis Casino Resort and are treated to a
fireworks show. We turn in feeling quite pleased with our cruise so far.
Nassau, Feb. 8, 2007
There is much to do and we soon launch the dinghy and
attach the outboard motor. We're off to shore with a mound of laundry.
There is a cement retaining wall along the shore where we need to be in
town. We should be able to leave the dinghy here and get ashore. Here we
find the tide uncomfortably low, and a teenager tries to force his help
onto us. We say 'no thank you'. He also insists he wants to board the
dinghy. With a bit of push from Tricia, I manage to crawl onto shore. I
pick up the laundry bags as Tricia hollers directions to the Pond Wash
Laundromat. . . She'll meet me there after finding a safer place for the
dinghy. While I lug the dirty laundry across the main street, a woman
stops her car mid-street and offers me a lift to the Laundromat. Of
course, this was when I was across the street from the Laundromat. But,
the offer was appreciated ... this is the Bahamian people.
Later Tricia and I are both running around (her at a
clip and me trailing) the docks and marketplaces lugging the clean
laundry. We are looking for information to see how to get Jim and I onto
our follow-on visit to Crooked Island in the southern Bahamas by ferry
or air from Nassau. When Jim meets up with me later this month, he and I
plan further exploration in the islands. We arrive at the telephone
office 10 minutes after closing. It is the only place here to buy a
phone card that works with PocketMail. Damn!
Continuing to lug the clean laundry, we grocery shop
and load all in the dinghy by dropping all our packages 5 feet off the
dock. Problem is that now it is low tide again and there is no easy way
to board. A young Bahamian fellow hollers at Tricia--wow, great hair!
(She has a wildly curly head of long, fair hair). He sees our conundrum
and insists on helping as he is tall and long-legged. Hum, he does help
and steals a feel involuntarily from Tricia as his reward. . . nothing to
do but laugh it off. He offers the use of his dock and dock-ladder to us
as a dinghy dock for our stay in Nassau which we appreciate. This
volunteering of assistance is typical of the Bahamian people.
Wind storms approaching from the mainland of Florida
may prevent us from leaving Nassau on our proposed schedule. We will
need to organize a Plan B to suit the weather conditions.
Nassau's Neighbouring Islands, Feb 9-11, 2007
Tricia has been thorough with her setting of two
anchors and a mushroom anchor for a kellet. It is a challenge for them
to be lifted as they are twisted. Chores completed we get away in the
late afternoon to Salt Cay to anchor for the evening and dive in for a
snorkel in the lovely warm water. After dinner we sit in the cockpit
watching the sun set over the Atlantis Resort and Paradise
Island...stunning. For once I remember to take a photo.
Here I should mention Tricia's high metabolism. Food is
necessary every couple of hours. I'm a bit out of practice at the stove
and am put to the test in her galley. It is a pleasure to cook for
someone with a voracious appetite and T appreciates my efforts. Perhaps
not having to do much cooking for herself for a couple of weeks has
something to do with it.
Next morning we set out for the north side of Rose
Island and anchor near shore. The reefs are quite shallow and teaming
with life, providing a great hour's snorkel. Later we move to Paradise
Island for the night as the wind has shifted and we won't have a
comfortable night. We anchor just off of a row of posh mansions.
Next morning we sail to the south side of Rose Island,
for yet another great reef. A day fiesta-boat arrives and provides us
with nice music to swim by. Today we see two small eels, a live conch,
barracuda, stingray and tons of fish. The zinc is gone from the prop so
T replaces this using her snorkel. A decision is made to actually
organize the new hookah parts and tank before Jim arrives in Nassau so he
can concur on the assembly. (A hooka is a scuba-like device which
attaches to an air tank. We have one on each of our boats--one sail, one
power. A hooka makes attending to problems under the hull easier and
safer to manage when the boat is in the water.)
Nassau, Feb 12-14, 2007
After these charming days we head back to Nassau
harbour as another big blow is predicted and the west side of the
harbour offers good protection from the wind direction.
We find a good spot to anchor and settle in, checking
the GPS to be sure the anchors are well set. Some pretty good winds rock
us to sleep, but later in the night Tricia lets out
more rode--just in case. It is calm in the morning but we suspect some
bad weather is brewing. We spend the sunny hours doing boat work. A
black, black cloud appears and moves in from the west. In no time the
rain is so heavy we can hardly see anything outside. . except a few
sailboats bobbing around near us. Watching helplessly, we see boats drag
anchor and start to move around the bay. Soon their owners (in the
drenching rain and lightening) are scurrying around in dinghies
attempting to secure their boats.
Once again I secretly give three cheers for Tricia's
anchoring technique.
An hour later it's all over and already the sun has
dried everything. Now we have freshly washed decks! But, the dinghy is
quite full and needs bailing. Later on I'm busy polishing stanchions
which attracts a visit from another yachtie. Sandy and her dog Scupper
dinghy over and join us for a nice long chit-chat. Then Wesley, a
Bahamian living on the hook here at the anchorage, stops by to bring a
gift--a conch shell horn he has made and lessons for Tricia. (Tricia plays
keyboard and Ted on RESTLESS is a serious fiddle playing music
man.) Need I add that Tricia was thrilled to death with this horn--but needs lots
of practice. Her first attempts sounded like a bad case of indigestion!
Nassau, Feb 15, 2007
As luck would have it, today is calm and sunny. The
twice-a-month cruisers' luncheon is today at the Hurricane Hole Outdoor
Bar. We dinghy across the harbour to Paradise Island for a walk-through
at Atlantis Resort. Tricia is dying for me to see the enormous aquarium which
is part of the resort. She's right...it is amazing... filled with sharks
and eagle rays. The resort is brilliant. Next we dinghy to the luncheon
and fill the rest of the day swapping boating yarns with the other yachties. What a fine way to end my superb two-week blue-water
By evening I move my gear ashore to the Nassau Harbour
Club as Jim arrives tomorrow. He's been in Vancouver for a couple of
weeks and has returned to Miami in time to take in the huge Miami Boat
Tricia and I have made plans for the three of us to go
snorkeling at Rose Island tomorrow, Saturday 16th. Unfortunately in the
morning the winds are not co-operating so we shift into plan B. We
decide on a dinghy tour of Atlantis and a walk-through, lunch ashore,
and a dinghy sightseeing tour around Nassau harbour. This is great fun
as we stop to visit with a number of recently arrived boaters...bobbing
around the bay chit-chatting and swapping anchorage tips. At the end of
an excellent day we return to FLICKA, we all are bright red with
sun and wind burn, but happy with the day's excursion. Jim and I take
our leave of Tricia who is preparing FLICKA for sailing down the chain of Bahamian
islands. Brisk winds are predicted for Monday--just the kind of sail she
Once back on land, Jim & I hop on a jitney bus to
avoid the long walk back to the Club as we are carrying heavy snorkeling
gear. Only thing is, we get on the wrong bus. It is a good mistake--a
great $1 tour of the residential east and south sides of Nassau. Hey
Mon, the Nassau Peoples are so helpful and friendly. It is another fun
You may be asking yourself if I would do a blue water
crossing again, and if I learned anything on this adventure. First I'll
say that much of what I learned may have come by osmosis--by observation
and thinking through how a process would apply to either of our boats.
often gave me brief but clear explanations of what was happening and I
appreciate that. Being away from visual land points of reference was a
difficult adjustment for me--and took most of the two weeks for me to
begin to trust the GPS. I conclude that lifestyle aboard a blue-water
cruising boat is all about management and organization. Someone has said
that 'life is in the details.' And it is full-on management every day of
a cruising life.
I absolutely loved crossing blue water and even
appreciated the night sailing--a #10 thrill on a scale of ten. I have
been fortunate to be aboard FLICKA where the operative word is 'sailing'
as is sharing and learning! We hardly used the engine at all.
This is another BID completed on a long list. And now
I've added another BID to the list. I'd love to sail through the chain
of islands southward through the Bahamas ... but that will have to be
reserved for another winter ... and another invitation.
Thank you Tricia, for the fun, the learning, the
experience, the companionship and the opportunity.
In the meantime, Jim and I fly to Havana, Cuba Monday,
Feb. 19 and that looks to be another story.
Dorothy W., Feb 07 .